5 hour drive, including a coffee stop, to Premier Caravan Park - doesn't actually live up to its name. Very old park with mostly permanents staying here. Some of the vans as you come in are decrepit - surprised they're allowed to stay there. Have to say though that the amenities are spotless. Again this park isn't near anything so we'll be doing a bit of driving. Drove down to breakwall - never seen anything like it - we actually drove along it in the car. Very windy day though and a bit cool at Ju Ju's Point.

Cape Hillsborough National Park - checked out the volcanic beach and walked to Wedge Island an island that is accessible at low tide. Cute soldier crabs on beach. Drove to Halliday Bay which has a huge netted area cos you can't swim in the ocean cos of marine stingers and other nasties. Ball Bay - nothing there. Both very remote beaches. Hidden Valley next where the aboriginals built a curved rock wall to catch stone fish. Eungella National Park - Finch Hatton Gorge about 1 hour drive. Walked through rainforest to turnoffs for Arluen Cascade and the Wheel of Fire. Wheel of fire was furthest so we did that one first. Had to cross a boulder strew river to get to it - a bit hairy to say the least. Wheel of Fire named after the firewall trees that grow around and above it. A huge waterhole where you are allowed to swim - not bloody likely on this occasion the water is freezing. Araluen Cascade was next, a nice waterfall. Stopped on the way back and Al took some drone shots over the falls and the huge boulders in the waterway. Took our own sandwiches and fruit so had some lunch then visited Broken River to see the platypus. Actually spotted some but you have to be quick to get a picture. Great to see them in their natural habitat - apparently they're doing very well up here. On the way out stopped at the Skywindow lookout - great views. Then Alan got his eye on a trail where you could see the "Arch Tree" over the walkway and of course wanted to check it out. I didn't want to do it as the time was getting on and my leg was giving me some gip but when Alan sets his mind on something that's it. It was a horrible walk almost 2k into the rainforest. It was dark and wet and muddy. Finally reached the tree and Al got his shots. I was not impressed - a bit pissed off really especially when we got home and took our shoes off to find that leeches had been feasting on our feet - yuck. Apart from that it was a pity it wasn't sunny as you don't get a good respresentation of the colours of the water and surrounds. Booked a tour at the Sarina Sugar Shed which was really good. Rebecca the guide was excellent giving us all the history of the sugar cane and its production. Finished off with taste testing of sauces and chutneys, fairy floss, ginger beer, NOI (nice over ice - like limoncello) and rum liquers. We had ordered a cheese platter and had that for lunch. Grace, the other lady there, was very helpful giving us a map to check out the beaches which we did. They were massive stretches of beach but you can't swim because of stingers etc and there were even warning signs for crocodiles!! Alan wanted to check out Hay Point which is the export port for coal. It's a huge operation but he couldn't put up the drone as a helicopter came into land and an aeroplane passed over. Al still really crook...got in touch with Dr Charlton who changed is antibiotics and told him to go for a covid test which he did which came back negative.