And so our journey ends. Had the most amazing time, had some amazing experiences and met the most wonderful people. We stayed at 79 different sites and visited 273 places and took a total of 4662 photos. We travelled a total of 34955 klms using 4355 litres of diesel at a cost of $7400 equating to an average of 12.59 litres per 100klms. Site fees came at a cost of $12909 for 363 nights giving an average of $35 per night. Our food, drinks, meals and takeaways came to $18560 and incidentals which included souvenirs, tours, meds, part & repairs etc totalled $15388. We were using a fitbit to keep track of our walks but it died in the Northern Territory and the new version failed to synchronise .Because of this we can only get an average but we reckon its pretty close to 40klms per week we walked .